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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Flash/Arrow Crossover: "Legends of Yesterday & Today" Thoughts

The crossover event in season 3 involving The Flash and Arrow facing off each other was an epic comic book television event much like the Avengers was for films. After such a successful crossover, the two crossed over again to face off Flash's season villain (an amazing fight scene) as well as Arrow's villain of the week with Captain Boomerang (another great episode). These were fun and entertaining events but never did the crossovers ever implied a significant future involving the characters present in those episode until now. Let's see how the new crossover not only works as an event like the others in the past, but also as the first major steps towards what will be known in the future as "Legends of Tomorrow".


1. The Arrow Fight Scenes That We Know & Love Returns
Arrow's fight scenes in the Flash episode was a significant improvement from seasons 3 & 4's  overall lackluster fight choreography. I've had many complaints ever since the Laurel/Black Canary arc started in the third season all the way up to last week's episode that the combat scenes felt slower and a bit lazy at times in comparison to what was presented to us in seasons 1 and 2. 

I found it interesting that the short but sweet action sequence involving the Arrow team was great in the Flash's episode more so than their very own series (almost like the quality was amped up just for the crossover). Let's hope that this wasn't a one off situation but an actual implication that things will go back to form as they should've been. Also, it was great to see Damien Darhk react to Flash saving Oliver during that fight.

2. Vandal Savage's Introduction
Now, as far as villains forcing big name heroes to team up in order to defeat them, Reverse Flash was a good enough candidate and I'm assuming Zoom may be a future crossover episode in the making, but Vandal Savage completely won me over as far as powerful enemies goes. I liked the way they introduced him by having him come across as a badass assassin who always has a trick up his sleeve (that handcuff switch scene was pretty entertaining). 

The powers and skills that he wielded from centuries of being an immortal was an amazing idea making him a formidable opponent to both the Flash and Arrow which resulted in more of an interesting battle. Overall, I liked the character's concept as far as abilities goes as well as the performance. I can't wait to see more of him in the future.

3. Expanding The Universe To The Mystical Corner of DC
What's next? Cosmic beings coming down to Earth in an alien invasion story arc? Okay, maybe not, but the way things have been going with both franchises, anything seems possible at this point. I fully admire the direction of stepping away from the scientific and militaristic themes of both series and taking a long glance at the mystical elements of the DC universe. 

The introductions of both Damien Darhk, Constantine, and now Vandal Savage has been a great entrance point for either shows easily have a magic themed episode without seeming random and off the wall bizarre. Characters like Zatana or Dr. Faith showing up on Arrow and Flash may not be such a crazy idea now thanks to the new direction of the franchise. 

1. So Much, So Little Time
It's an understatement to say that a lot happens in this crossover more so than anything else that has been going on in both series (which is saying a lot). You have the introductions of three major characters (Vandal, Hawkman, and a coming together Hawkgirl), a huge character arc introducing Oliver's discovery of finding out he has a son which majorly complicates things in his life, Barry's time traveling incident (something that is a big deal on the Flash's show), and of course laying the ground for the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow series. 

Now, keep in mind that individually, I enjoyed all of those things mentioned above in this episode each having their own dramatic tension, but the pacing transition from each story element could've been improved. It felt at times that both shows were trying to rush through as much as they could with the time span that they were given instead of organically developing each major plot point. 

There's certain story lines that I could've done without this episode such as the Oliver being a father plot point as I feel you've could've imply it and then hold it off for the next episode. There are great things to enjoy in here, but I didn't feel the impactful weight on certain moments such as Kendra getting her wings, Vandal's "death", or even the fact that Hawkman is a part of this universe now (things that should've hit me hard). 

I ended up just going with the flow of things trying to get as much enjoyment as I could out of each scene as again, things felt a little rushed. I'm also not a big fan of convince resulting in big time character moments, so Oliver's son coincidently having to be at the same cafe' as Oliver at the same time felt a little forced. Overall, I felt that compared to the other crossover events, they may have slightly bit off a little more than they could chew here. 

2. The Epic Moment That Didn't Come Across As Such
Both series are known for their occasional epic action sequences or character moments (more so The Flash in their current seasons), but I didn't felt or saw any this time around except for maybe Barry's time travel moment. Much like my complaints about the pacing, the big fight scenes felt a little short or perhaps not as greatly set up as other epic battles in the past. Sure, as far as lore and character goals go, both episodes lay the groundwork of what she would be anticipating, but I simply didn't feel that high dosage of excitement and anticipation as expected with these types of big scale fights. 

It felt to me that Vandal simply came, showed off a few tricks, then just as quickly, left the stage faster than he switched those handcuffs off of his wrists. I hardly remembered any of the fight scenes except for the constant use of his magical staff (a weapon that could easily come across as repetitive and dull depending on how they utilize it in the future). The problem isn't whether or not I enjoyed what the characters did during both episode but instead how memorable and engaging it felt afterwards.

3. Wings, Past Lives, & A History Of Constant Failure: The Hawk Couple
Yeah, I have to honestly admit that I'm not entirely feeling these two characters. I got excited when we were introduced to Kendra on Flash, but I never felt as though anything really lived up to expectations. I completely understand how difficult it is to sell these characters in a live action space (and they do at least get the looks right enough to pass), but I felt that the writing of their origins didn't sit well enough with me nor did their development time. Exactly what the title of this negative says is exactly how their characters came across to me. 

A sad story that can either be looped over again or miraculously attempted to be stopped finally after centuries of repetition. There's simply nothing compelling to me about two characters who constantly gets killed off by the same enemy, resurrects in a new era in time, then simply rinse and repeat. Having an entire episode about stopping the cycle didn't feel like a story worth using the Green Arrow and Flash for but instead a spinoff show altogether (which of course this is all leading up to anyway). It felt like a big scaled sidestep filler from something else that could've been a bit more personal story-wise to their characters. If anything, I will point out that their characters were serviceable enough to get by entertainment wise but nothing noteworthy

Overall, I was pretty satisfied in the way they continued Barry and Oliver's relationship as well as introduced certain story points that would effect both characters down the line. What's more important to take from this crossover however is not only the ties to Legends of Tomorrow but the overall major expansion in the universe altogether. I feel as though the creators of both shows have been opening up some interesting doors for future stories and character debuts almost ensuring the extended shelf life of both franchises. 

With pacing issues being the main anchor of this crossover, I do hope that we see more down the line with a bit more attention in their method of storytelling. Another fear of mine is that we may start ending up with too many characters to focus on faster than you can say "Justice League on TV". With that in mind, I cannot wait to see what's in store for us in the upcoming series, "Legends of Tomorrow" making this two-episode event the coolest teaser trailer ever if you look at it from that point of view. 

2-Episode Event Rating: 8/10

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