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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Supergirl S1 Ep. 16 Quick Thoughts


Perhaps not my favorite episode in the recent successful and well executed run of Supergirl, but it does hold one of my favorite comic-book tropes as well as my favorite fight scene on the show so far

The fight scene between J'onn Jonzz and Supergirl was not only a visual treat to see as far as fight scenes go for the series, but it was also an impactful moment regarding the Martian Manhunter character having to publicly reveal himself in order to save the ones he care about. It's an impressive scene overall and exactly what the series has been lacking as far as memorable and action packed character moments go.

As I mentioned before, this episode does include one of my favorite comic-book tropes which is the beloved superhero turning "evil" for whatever reason inserted in the story. This week's episode introduces Red Kryptonite which I honestly was not expecting to see this early on in the show (thumbs up to the writers for including it). Comic book fans will know that various versions of Kryptonite has several effects on Kryptonians, in which this case, Red Kryptonite actually alters Kara's mental state resulting in a much darker version of the character. 

At first, I wasn't a big fan of watching Kara boss everyone around in a very unpleasant manner, but I did understand the tone that the writers and director was going for. No one wants to see their beloved hero act in a distasteful and annoying fashion, so it makes a lot of sense why I would have the desire to quickly fast forward to the good stuff being the fight scene later on. I also really enjoyed the wardrobe change giving off a very Red Son Superman vibes in its color scheme.

Overall, this was a pretty decent episode once you skip past the uncomfortable "Evil Kara" stuff to the final moments where Supergirl completely snaps and has to be taken out by her own family. It was a bold move for them to throw in this type of storyline in Season 1 as I expected them to save it for another season. However, now I'm even more intrigued to see what major character arcs await us in the future.

Bonus Content:

1. Superman III Tribute
That's right. Supergirl actually tributes one of the most popularly backlashed Superman movies to date, but it does so in a glorified and well justified manner. Gotta love that iconic bar scene.
Episode Rating: 7/10

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