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Friday, February 2, 2018

This Week In The CW DC Universe (Ep. 1)

As a reminder, with the "This Week In The CW DC Universe" series, I'll be doing quick thoughts reviews only to cover some episodes on a case by case situation. The Penny For Your TV Thoughts full easter egg filled reviews will still continue on and will not be entirely affected by this new format. Think of this as a means to cover certain episodes for shows that I don't normally get to review on a weekly basis. With that out of the way, let's get into the reviews. This has been one of the most solid weeks within the CW DC Universe line up. We get to explore, push forward with, and seal off various interesting character arcs while delivering on the entertainment value of seeing our costumed heroes in action. 

The Flash
S4 Ep. 12 - 8/10

This week’s Flash was an equally hilarious and dramatically engaging episode. As I've been highlighting from the previous episode, everything involving Barry living out his days in prison has been one of the most highly investing and emotionally enthralling components of the season. I'm very curious to see where his overall story goes now that he’s been transferred to Iron Heights piled in with the currently unveiled bus metas. The “Honey, I Shrunk The Kids” element definitely had its fair share of laugh out loud character banter primarily from Cisco (who continues to be the comedic gem of the series). The Cecile mind reading subplot? It’s...fine. I’m a lot more interested in the mysterious girl showing up more often and how she fits in with everything (I'll leave all future children theories aside for now). Also, no Thinker for 2 episodes straight? Hmmm.

Bonus Thoughts

It appears that The Flash series enjoys casting horror movie icon actors for their villains. First Candyman, then Jigsaw, now Jason? Shall I await Robert England? Not sure my geeky little heart would be able to take it all.

Black Lightning
S1 Ep. 3 - 9/10

It’s great being able to say that we’ve been given yet another powerful episode of Black Lightning this week. I’ve been enjoying seeing the Anissa character challenge herself with her newfound abilities. I find it refreshing to see a superhero origins side plot interwoven within a central story about a retired hero forcefully getting back on his feet. The story regarding the community march and the assassination attempt was highly tension driven showing us yet again how very real, gritty, and constant the villainous threats are within this city. Speaking of which, Jill Scott does a fantastic job as our terrifyingly joyous season big bad, Lady Eve. We’re only 3 episodes in, but I can safely say that I've already connected to the villains on this show which is high praise for any series within this genre.

Bonus Thought

An Outsiders comic, a Supergirl name drop, and a Looker easter egg all in one scene? Be careful Black Lightning, with great power, comes great responsibility.

S6 Ep. 12 - 9/10

I’m happy to say that Arrow has now followed through on a successful 3 week streak of solid episodes proving yet again just how wrong I was about this season in the beginning. Everything from the Dinah Drake/Vigilante spotlight to the exploration of Black Siren’s potential redemption foreshadowing was nothing short of engaging. It’s incredible seeing our hero Black Canary slowly turning to the dark side while the villainous Earth-2 doppelgänger of the original Black Canary slightly leans towards the light. I’m also more than excited to see how this season follows through with its band of baddies slowly tearing apart at the seams with the reveal of yet another traitor. I continue to hold out hope for Richard Dragon possibly ending up as our surprise season villain in the end. They've been carefully underutilizing him. Hmmm.

Highlighted Scene

Vigilante's death wasn't just surprisingly impactful on an emotional level, but the idea of having Laurel/Black Siren kill him with a direct sonic scream to the ear was utterly brutal. It's by far one of the most vicious character deaths in the series showing that the writers aren't afraid to push the envelope pass the boundaries of just arrows, sword slashing, and gunshots. Also, kudos to the writers for making me genuinely care about a character who was essentially thrown at us as a side plot recurring obstacle.

S3 Ep. 12 - 8/10
Catch the full review w/ Easter eggs here.

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