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Thursday, December 13, 2018

The CW's Elseworlds Crossover Visual Easter Eggs

The CW's DC Elseworlds Crossover event was a huge success being what I like to call a "geek out gallery of fan service and teases for future projects". It sort of reminds me of what the first Avengers, Age of Ultron, and Civil War movies represented for the MCU during their release teasing future massive crossover events within their very own standalone crossover stories. There were so many easter eggs to unpack during the 3-night event, so I've decided to collect every visual easter egg that I personally caught during my viewings and archive them all in one article. So, enjoy the deep dive and please do include some of your own discoveries in the comments that I may have missed here. As for any other types of easter eggs such as music related, dialogue exchanges, verbal name drops, etc., let's discuss them all in the comments below.

Elseworlds (Part 1)
During Deegan's seminar about the dilemma between people and superheroes, the Flash logo is shown onscreen most likely as his prime example of god-like super beings. Considering that this takes place in Gotham, it is interesting seeing how Gotham City perceives characters from other shows.

During Barry's awakening to the body/life swap scenario, he looks down at his chest to find Oliver's tattoos and scars. Arrow fans will recognize these markings from the various seasons that highlights a story behind each one.

Not sure if anyone caught it, but it actually took me 2 viewings to realize that A.M.A.Z.O. was shown off before he made his big entrance. It's interesting to know that Oliver's mishap with his newfound speed powers is what sparks the first big villain of the crossover.

Although I couldn't honestly call myself a Smallville fan (I've only seen a few episodes during its release), even I found myself getting a bit excited seeing this setting and knowing the significance that it brings to a particular fandom.

A.M.A.Z.O.  is a DC Comics villain that I never thought I'd ever see show up in the Arrowverse despite him being the perfect antagonist for a crossover. My history with this character lies within the old Justice League and Young Justice animated series and seeing show up here copying all of our heroes' powers while showing their logos...speechless.

Elseworlds (Part 2)
The bizarre red colored skies and lightning storms shown during the crossover might be a nod to the newspaper article teased all the way back to Season 1 of The Flash highlighting said hero "vanishing in a crisis" during an identically described weather pattern. This storm is later revealed to be Earth-90 Barry attempting to breach through to warn our heroes, but the imagery itself might be foreshadowing a future tragedy.

Would it have been great to see John Welsey Shipp given more screen time in his 90's Flash attire? Sure, but I felt the role that they gave him here as the crucial warning sign to our heroes for what's to come in classic comic book Flash fashion was pretty incredible.

I imagined all 1960's Batman fans rejoiced in unison during this fun little nod. I do wonder if it was actually ever used in this universe for the same purpose or something similiar in nature.

Something that I forgot to make note of during this find was that the Trigger Twins have more than one ties to DC Comics in name, but I think it's safe to assume that the show was referencing the modern version linked to Batman lore.

As a big fan of the Arrow series, this was definitely one of the more unexpected fan service bits seeing previous villains of the show being presented as police officers. Imagine if Damien Darhk or Prometheus was the police captain and Slade was some anti-hero on their most wanted list. Arrow fans would've lost their minds.

Arkham Asylum Easter Eggs

There were tons of eye opening Batman easter eggs during the Arkham Asylum setting. Let's see how good I did in spotting out the various items that one can most likely link to a particular villain in the Cape Crusader's rogues gallery. Also, the picture above is a promotional photo from the crossover, but I will use it here to also count in the Bat signal easter egg (since it's already there and all).

This one caught my attention considering the fact that Gotham has had a run in with Captain Boomerang in the past. Is this our Capt. Boomerang who showed up on Arrow or someone else taking on the mantle? I'd love to see if any of Arrow's or Flash's villains crosses over into the Batwoman series enriching the shared universe concept further.

The glasses I'm just going to assume belongs to Hugo Strange and the Joker false teeth gag was my first impression seeing  them in the jar, but I supposed it could belong to someone else. However, that is without a doubt Bane's mask from The Dark Knight Rises movie. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Please CW, do not try to canonize that iteration's character design here. 

Apologies for how messy this one came out, but if you look closely, that is indeed the Riddler's cane considering the question mark shaped top piece (which is awesome to see in live action). The umbrella I could only assume to be the Penguin's considering we saw his cell door earlier. The other item highlighted is a tricky one.

This is one of those "you're gonna just have to take my word for it" easter eggs as it's hard to see in the pic above, but I'm almost positive that the name written says "Kyle S.". Considering that this is an evidence locker of sorts, my brain immediately goes to Selena Kyle (Catwoman) indicating that perhaps her whip is being archived there.

One of the more obvious ones, but yes that was indeed Mr. Freeze's iconic weapon and it makes absolute sense that it's Nora Fries using it. However, why is Nora alive and kicking around in Arkham instead of being cryogenically frozen somewhere? That's the real question here. Also, remember that a recent episode of The Flash referenced Mr. Freeze via Caitlin's father. It's all coming together now.

Considering that Scarecrow has always been one of my favorite villains in the Batman mythology, seeing the name "J. Crane" on the toxin vials made me yell out in excitement. I'd love to see how the CW adapts this character's appearance as he's been through quite a few interesting costume changes over the decades.

Within the evidence room where we see tons of Batman villain paraphernalia, there's a giant cross leaning on the wall in the background. When I saw this, my mind went to the various religious cults and orders within the Batman lore. You have the Order of St. Dumas which sets up Azrael, Deacon Blackfire, and a few others who can be linked to that cross.

During Scarecrow's fear toxin mist, both Oliver and Barry hallucinates their counterpart's arch nemesis. Although I feel Prometheus would've made more sense here as opposed to Merlin personally, it was a pretty cool surprise overall. 

Psycho Pirate sports his comic book golden mask during his Arkham sequences. Question is whether or not his mask here will operate the same way that it does in the comics being able to alter the emotions of his victims. Also, does the Arkham's security staff even know that he's holding the mask in his cell or its potential capabilities?

Elseworlds (Part 3)
Whether this is just a cool extended cameo by Nora Fries (played by Oliver Queen actor Stephen Amell's wife, Cassandra Jean Amell) or perhaps a tease that she'll play a recurring role in the Batwoman series, it is quite interesting seeing the wife of Mr. Freeze being spotlighted as an Arkham patient.
Seeing Star Labs being redecorated with the House of El symbol was pretty crazy from a fan perspective. I was getting hints of the Injustice video game series where Superman took over the planet. However, things get even more crazy when Deegan attempts to change reality again showing flashes of Earth-X's nazi reich symbol followed by the Elseworlds logo. Did the Book of Destiny show him Earth-X because of their involvement with Earth-1 during last year's crossover?

Following my previous statement about the House of El symbol referencing Superman's dominating presence over the Earth in Injustice: Gods Among Us, we get nods of that with his soldier's uniform emblems. This can also be a nod to Batman V Superman's flash forward vision nightmare where we see Superman's army sporting his symbol on their military attire.

Alright, this may be a bit of a stretch admittedly, but the fact that they show the number "52" right in front of the camera, and this being a DC Comics property and all, how can I not reference the New 52 DC Comics relaunch? Let's call this a "possible easter egg".

The black suit Superman image has been one of the more famous pieces of DC Comics imagery for quite some time now. Finally seeing it in live action was a jaw dropping moment being a big fan of the "Death of Superman" arc where Superman returns in said attire. Only, in that version, Superman wears the black suit as a recovery suit after his cataclysmic battle with Doomsday. Hopefully the CW goes further with it than just mere coincidental color preference from Deegan.

Just when I thought there'd be no nods to Legends of Tomorrow, we get a fun little cameo by Gary as a bartender. Ironically, Gary is still a fanboying nerd of sorts even in this new alternate reality. Aside from an alternate Cisco being a villain (which is interesting considering his Earth-2 counterpart), we also get an appearance by Jimmy as his bodyguard. That confirms that Jimmy does indeed exist on Earth-1 alongside Alex.

Seriously, where the heck does Oliver acquire a Kryptonite arrow? We saw him use it in last year's crossover, but it's never spoken about before or later said reveal. Now he just pulls it out of nowhere here. Is there indeed Kryptonite on Earth-1 which could imply other huge revelations about our Earth? Did someone from Earth-38 give it to him? I need answers!

When Deegan (as evil Superman) holds Barry in a neck hold threatening to break his neck, this might actually be a nod to Man of Steel where Zod threatens to kill civilians forcing Superman to takes him out by snapping his neck.

You can call this one a little bit of a stretch as well, but I couldn't think of anything else during this scene. You have your big climactic surprise confrontation scene during Avengers Infinity War where Thor uses Stormbreaker (a recently acquired cosmic weapon) to pierce through the Infinity Gauntlet's beam (a god-like cosmic weapon being held by the villain). Replace Stormbreaker with a cosmic arrowhead and the gauntlet with the book of destiny and you get...

Deegan's zombie-like face after being defeated and losing the book may be a visual nod to his Doctor Destiny comic book counterpart who essentially looks like an incarnation of the grim reaper.

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