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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Supergirl S1 Ep. 14 Quick Thoughts

"Truth, Justice, and the American Way"

This week's Supergirl, much like many of the episodes this season, had a great premise and decent layout that was primarily anchored by the show's budget constraints. These budget constraints are heavily shown in the show's cheaply presented action sequences which is one of the main issues that I've so far with Supergirl. The characters are great for the most part and some of the villains range from expendable and forgettable to amazingly written and executed.

This week's villain falls somewhere in between that line, but is again anchored by the visual FX and fight choreography. I loved the idea of having the villain be an actual surviving jailer from the Fort Rozz prison as it brings that story component back to the show which I feel has been lost in recent episodes.

I'm curious as to what the DEO will do with the bounty hunter's created prison in the future of the series and I also loved the implication of Lobo during Hank and Alex's discussion about the bounty hunter. Was I the only one that caught that? Probably not. I do have to reference the fact however that they still had the jailer using chains as a weapon like Lobo does.

The rogue jailer's design was pretty basic, but actually came across as threatening to a degree as far as his overall presence goes. The chain tech that he used against Supergirl felt like it could've been utilized a lot more powerfully in regards to his combat skills, but who am I to complain about a throw away character that we'll probably never hear about again.

Letting Maxwell off the hook in the ending was unexpected, but I actually like that idea quite a bit as I'm sure it'll have some serious backlash down the line. If I've learned anything about Supergirl is that her temper can get the better of her. Let's just to see how far the show takes her anger issues especially if Maxwell does something completely off the wall and shocking.

My only major flaws with this episode is Kara's negative backlash on J'onn even though I understood where it was coming from as a dramatic story arc. It just comes off as a little annoying watching her get on his case during their scenes together (especially the ending scene). We also have the new assistant plot point which was refreshing for Kara's story, but I immediately forgot about it from the moment the ending credits began to roll. 

Perhaps, that character will play a big role in the upcoming episodes, but for now, I honestly didn't care too much about the Kara Danvers job related story this time around. Hopefully, next week's episode can redeem the show's overall entertainment quality as I feel this week's Supergirl was simply watchable at best.

Episode Rating: 7/10

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