Supergirl so far has been pretty okay overall, but definitely not as amazing as far as comic book television series now-a-days have been. However, I am fully aware of the first episodes probably diving heavily into the character relationships before getting to the good stuff, so my eyes and ears are open to the possible wonders that lies ahead. I'm just not as invested in the heroisms of this character so far and as a matter of fact, I have only been excited whenever her more famed cousin gets a cameo in some way (which is a shame to say).
Now keep in mind that I do like the character so far, but I think the show is lacking heavily in the "awesome heroic moment of the week" category as its acquaintances on other television networks (Arrow, The Flash, etc.) has done beautifully to not only have you appreciate the character but also cheer them on in their moments of victory. Perfect example of this is in CW's The Flash where we see him perform what's called a "supersonic punch" for the first time. It was a huge victory not only to see him accomplish something amazing and evolutionary with his powers, but also to see him use it on a villain that came across as a ridiculously strong bully.
We need that moment in Supergirl where we can cheer her on as she accomplishes something incredible using her abilities against someone. This show is great as far as overall fun characters go, but it significantly lacks in memorable moments of spectacle and action. This is a balancing act that can hopefully be performed well very soon.
We are 3 episodes in and not one single villain or other comic book character has gotten me the least bit excited except for the man of steel himself with the very brief moments that we see him. What I really enjoyed about other comic book series is that even though there was a strong sense of "villain of the week" throughout the season(s), we still had a very compelling main villain lurking in the background who we quickly identified. This then made the villains of the week easier to get by as we knew something bigger was coming in the near future.
Unless I've missed something, I haven't gotten that feeling with Supergirl yet (unless her aunt is that character which in that case wouldn't work for me as she came across as dull for a super villain). Reactron being the villain in this episode had absolutely nothing remotely interesting about him except for his suit design which as a result of his underwhelming presence and story, just came across as "some angry guy in one of Tony Stark's old prototype junkyard suits if Marvel and DC shared the same universe.
I understand that 3 episodes in is a bit too early to ask for a lot, but it is around the area (I'd argue 3-5 episodes) where larger, interesting, and more entertaining story arcs start seeping in telling the viewers "This is why you should stick around". I have faith in the source material and universe that the writers and producers are building here, but I feel as though there needs to be some sort of a major hook flying our way very soon or my interest level will begin to decline. Best part of this episode? A text message given to Kara by Superman himself. It was honestly a pretty cool moment, but it's sad that it took Clark's brief appearances to really get me hyped up in the episode.
Whether it's Red Tornado's debut, an action scene actually worth talking about, or a mention of a big name character like Darkseid or Lex, audiences need something to hold onto with excitement and anticipation for this show to continue on. The point is that thin ice is all I can see beneath the girl of steel so far and it would be a shame to see her fall through. Especially when little girls today can finally look up to a worthy female idol who isn't surrounded by a twisted and dark sense of development (don't you dare screen the upcoming Jessica Jones series to little kids you sickos). Here's to Supergirl's hopeful future success.

Rating: 7/10
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