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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Agents of Shield S4 Ep. 15 Quick Thoughts

"Self Control"

This season of Agents of Shield has been absolutely fascinating in its direction. I honestly couldn't tell you how many times I've changed my tune about whether or not I liked or disliked each episode since the season premiere. It's been a giant mixed bag of admirable attempts with a few major hit episodes sprinkled around. This week's continuation of the LMD arc is one of those big hit episodes as it nearly perfectly delivered on everything that it set out to do. The increasing paranoia of the "Who's an android and who's not?" concept was at its most intense here as characters squared off with each other in life threatening scenarios.

The entertainment value reached a significantly high point during these battles as were the dramatic interactions between our beloved team of agents. There's a couple of great adrenaline pumping moments as well as two particularly emotional scenes revolving around Jemma with Fitz and Daisy. The action was solid with a nice sense of visual flare during Daisy's spotlight power blasting scenes. What sold everything in the end was the highly climatic finale showcasing the agents inside of the framework's alternate universe, Aida's "surprising" turn against Radcliffe, and the debut of an evolved version of "The Superior".

No, I'm still not completely sold on the LMD arc being a great ongoing addition to the series as I would've preferred a much more tightened cut of this arc instead. However, it's episodes like these that gives me hope that the writers do have potentially amazing plans for this specific story progression. Overall, this was by far one of the more fulfilling episodes of the new season and I do hope we reach a point of absolute closure and satisfaction at the end of the line.

Episode Rating: 9/10

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